Document Access on the World Wide Web

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Document Access on the World Wide Web / BROWSER EVOLUTION: DOCUMENT ACCESS ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB A Thesis Presented To The Faculty of the Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ College of Engineering and Technology Ohio University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science by Dethe Elza \ March, 1998 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Shawn Ostermann for teaching me to love networking technology and for helping me to survive the rigors of Academia. I also would like to thank Tom Reid and Jeffery Hirzel for providing me with such a wonderful work and learning environment. I am grateful to the other members (past and present) of the Internetworking Research Group for many interesting conversations, great ideas, and pointers in the right direction. Most of all, I thank my lovely wife, Daniela, and our equally lovely daughter, Mina, for their vast patience and unyielding support, and for giving my life purpose and meaning. Mnogo vi obicham, moi sekrovishta. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES .............................. .. v 1. INTRODUCTION ..... 1 1.1 Pieces of the Problem. 2 1.1.1 Format Decay .. 2 1.1.2 Media Decay ". 3 1.1.3 Mobility and Accessibility 3 1.1.4 Security . 4 1.1.5 Style . 4 1.1.6 Feature Creep . 5 1.2 History of the Problem . 5 1.3 The Solution as a Moving Target 6 2. STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGIES 8 2.1 Programming for the Network . .... 8 2.1.1 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 8 2.1.2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol . 9 2.1.3 Remote Procedure Call . 10 2.1.4 Common Object Request Broker Architecture 11 2.1.5 OpenDoc . 11 2.1.6 Java . 12 2.1.7 Scripting Languages 14 2.2 Document Formats .... 15 2.2.1 LaTeX . 15 2.2.2 Rich Text Format .. 16 2.2.3 Standard Generalized Markup Language 17 2.2.4 Hypertext Markup Language ..... 18 2.2.5 Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language 19 2.2.6 Extensible Markup Language .. ..... 19 iii Page 2.2.7 Document Object Model . 22 3. EXAMPLES OF WEB-BASED APPLICATIONS 23 3.1 Interactive Hotlist. .. 23 3.1.1 Design..... 23 3.1.2 Implementation 26 3.2 FreeWord: An Extensible Outline Tool 28 3.2.1 Design...... 28 3.2.2 Implementation.......... 33 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE STUDIES 37 BIBLIOGRAPHY 39 APPENDIX .... 43 A. INTERACTIVE HOTLIST SOURCE CODE 43 A.l File One: general.html ... 43 A.2 File Two: headl.tpl ..... 44 A.3 File Three: title.general.tpl 44 A.4 File Five: head.script.tpl .. 45 A.5 File Six: head3.tpl ... 45 A.6 File Seven: bodyl.tpl . 45 A.7 File Eight: body2.tpl . 46 A.8 File Nine: general.list .. 46 A.9 File Ten: body3.tpl ... 49 A.I0 File Eleven: favorites.list ..... 49 A.ll File Twelve: body4.tpl . 52 A.12 File Thirteen: gen.form.list 52 A.13 File Fourteen: body5.tpl .. 54 A.14 File Fifteen: form.Iist.general.tpl 55 A.I5 File Sixteen: body6.tpl ..... 55 A.16 File Seventeen: copyright.tpl .. 55 A.I7 File Eighteen: body7.tpl . 55 A.I8 File Nineteen: hotlist.cgi . 56 IV Page B. FREEWORD SOURCE CODE. 59 B.1 File One: Outline.html 59 B.2 File Two: outline.css 63 B.3 File Three: utility.js 65 B.4 File Four: outline.js .. 67 B.5 File Five: menu.js ... 69 B.6 File Six: working.js .. 74 B.7 File Seven: keyboard.js ... 84 B.8 File Eight: outline.xml . 86 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 3.1 Interactive Hotlist at Top of Page. ... · .... 24 3.2 Interactive Hotlist at Bottom of Page. 26 3.3 FreeWord Menu Example ...... .. .. 29 3.4 FreeWord Outline Fully Expanded · .... 30 3.5 FreeWord Outline Partially Collapsed ...... 31 3.6 FreeWord Editing an Outline Item · .... 34 3.7 FreeWord Thesis Outline . ... ..... 35 1 1. INTRODUCTION This thesis will address the problem of document access. There are many ways in which a document can be inaccessible to users. A document may be stored on media, such as a cassette tape, which the computer is no longer able to read. The document may be stored in a format of a word processor which is not installed. A document may be stored on one computer, but access may be required from another. All of these problems, and some related concerns, will be addressed in this thesis. Word processors today are often designed to be used on documents that are only accessed by one person at a time on a single machine. This poses some problems in today's world of multiple machines, platforms, and collaborative work. Additionally, there are compatibility problems when upgrading or changing word processors or machines, where either the format of the document may no longer be supported, or the media the document lives on may no longer be supported. Some of these problems can be addressed by building a word processor that op­ erates over the Internet, storing its documents on a server. This thesis will explore several of the technologies and standards that exist to address to problem of doument access. The emerging Extensible Markup Language standard for document storage will be especially useful to help ease transitions by preserving document structure and content between different computer platforms, applications, and application revisions. Word processors can be extended to work across the network, allowing documents to be worked on from a variety of sites, shared, collaborated on, and preserved across changes of platform, application, or application version. We will see how such a word processor can extend the power of the Internet and the World Wide Web by operating 2 within the major web browsers. Additional benefits of this approach include an integrated approach to security, the ability to easily share documents on the World Wide Web, and the ability to collaborate on shared documents. The client/server design proposed is suited to either a small application which is loaded over the Internet and run within a web browser (called an applet) or a standalone application. 1.1 Pieces of the Problem The general problem is one of word processing documents becoming inaccessible, whether because of the user moving to another physical computer, upgrading to a new computer or word processing application, or several users needing access to the document simultaneously for purposes of data sharing or collaboration. There are several pieces to this problem, and the solution proposed in this thesis has some additional consequences which must be addressed. 1.1.1 Format Decay When a word processing document is stored on disk in a proprietary format, the document's format must be periodically updated as the user upgrades his or her soft­ ware. For instance, the user may change from Microsoft! Word 4.0 to Microsoft Word 5.0, necessitating that all the stored documents be updated. This process becomes more complicated as the change becomes more drastic, for instance changing from Microsoft Word 2.0 to Microsoft Word 6.0, or from Claris" Works to Wordf'erfect", or from a Macintosh" application to a Windows application. In some cases, the doc­ ument must be opened in the old application and saved in a format which is common to both applications, then opened in the newer application and saved in the new 1 Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation 2Claris is a registered trademark of the Claris Corporation 3WordPerfect is a registered trademark of Corel, Inc. "Maclntosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. 3 proprietary format. At any point in this process, some of the formatting or con­ tent of the document may not be transferred correctly. A shared common format may not support all of the features of one or both application's proprietary formats. The newer application may not support a feature of the previous application. The translation mechanism between the two programs may inadvertently introduce errors. Additionally, it is far more complicated to transfer a document from the format of a newer version to that of an older one, for instance if a colleague uses Word 6.0 for a document and wants to share the document with you when you are using Word 4.0. 1.1.2 Media Decay As computers are replaced with newer, faster models and some types of computers fade into obscurity, documents created on these older computers and stored in the media supported by these computers must be transferred to the new system or risk becoming inaccessible when the old machines are removed and the new ones cannot read the older media. Earlier systems used audio and video tape cartridges, 8 inch floppies, 5 1/4 inch floppies, low-density floppies, even reel-to-reel tapes. When new systems that do not support these media replace the old systems, there has often been no convenient way to move the documents to the new system This transition is also complicated by the likelihood of format decay described above. Even now, 1.44 megabyte floppies are being replaced by 100 megabyte Zip" disks, rewriteable optical disks, and other media. 1.1.3 Mobility and Accessibility The user of a word processing document should be able to access that document from wherever he or she happens to be working. It is not uncommon to have a personal computer in the office, another at home, and a portable computer for travel. Keeping copies of working documents on all these machines can be difficult because 5Zip is a registered trademark of Iomega Corporation 4 often the user will not be able to foresee all of the documents he or she will require when moving between these three computing environments.
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